The white tiger, also called the Panther Tigris, is an albino Bengal tiger. This species is on the verge of extinction.
It lives in Asia, it is in danger because its territory is being destroyed by man.
Its main preys are monkeys, birds, fish, wild boars, etc. These animals are disappearing so the tigers can no longer find their food.
To make up for the lack of food they started attacking men, and came closer to cities, so men, to defend themselves, kill tigers.
Sometimes they can also kill them for their fur, for example to make rugs.
White tigers are also endangered, due to deforestation and poaching for their fur.
They have very few baby tigers, which further decreases the number of white tigers.
In 2016, there were 3,890 tigers left in the world, and their situation is slowly improving, thanks to people’s awareness of their vulnerability.