In 2018, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report on global warming and its consequences said the average temperature has increased by 1°C in 2018. If it continues like that, natural disasters will be multiplied by 2.
The consequences are:
_Multiplication of extreme weather events.
_Decrease of water resources.
_The end of biodiversity,…
Since 2015, there are more and more disasters, tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones and earthquakes.
For example, in May 2020, cyclone AMPHAN hit the East coast of India and 2.400.000 civilians were evacuated. Civilians were more afraid of the cyclone than of covid-19, as due global warming cyclones are more and more dangerous.
In Australia, global warming has caused historical fires. The flames destroyed the animals’ habitats and forests, carbon dioxide spread in the air, and it killed other species such as flying animals.
The situation is not improving, it is an emergency !